Bookbike Bike/Book Storage

My place has a lot of space for bicycles as it's an empty office block, but I do keep my fixie in my bedroom as I have a fair amount of space and it looks nice. Although one of these bike storage units, the 'Bookbike' from BYografia looks amazing! There are a few lovely storage solutions for Bromptons such as the Bike Box but other than plain wall hooks I've not seen many solutions for un-foldable bicycles.

With enough space to hang your bike and for your helmet, gloves, copies of Boneshaker magazine and some books it'd look great in most places and looks perfect for a small apartment. My last place was a bit of a nightmare to get into often due to my bike in the very small hallway so this would have been perfect. 

The Bookbike bike/book system is perfect for books, bike and bike books!