Business as usual

So it's been over two weeks since the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, promised a report into the latest fatalities of cyclists on London's roads. Word from TfL is that there is now no date for this report. Tweets are appearing such as this from Valerie Shawcross, the London Assembly Member for Lambeth and Southwark:

"Assembly debate today- how TfL could prevent some cycling fatalities through better road+junction design and cycling priority measures."

Then, sadly, a little while later:

"Every Tory on London Assembly walk out in a sulk after losing a vote - meaning that our motion on Cycling safety in London falls. #Toryshame"

It boggles the mind how people in the position to help save lives can't get over their own egos. Boris lied. There is no report. He will continue to use rhetoric and political spin using words like "you have to keep your wits about you" while more vulnerable people are killed on the roads.

How about the older gentleman we had to help across the road near Kings Cross while we were erecting the ghost bike for Deep Lee who was killed there on her bicycle by an HGV? How about this gentleman that physically could not cross the street in the time the pedestrian signals were on green? How about the cars that drove towards him while he attempted to cross the road?

You see, Boris. You're able-bodied and have a very limited concept of what danger on the road is. There are people that are much more aware than you and they are telling you this. You ignore them. Organisations produce proposals to help you. You ignore them. People die and their families ask you to help. You ignore them.

It's time for you to stop thinking of yourself, of your re-election and your political career, and actually step up and do something.

This won't go away!

(Update 14:11 - More information from No GLA debate on killer junctions as London's Tories stage second cycling safety walkout in six months)