Post-Olympic Visit

My mum emailed me and my brother:

I can get a train ticket to london on 17th and back on 19th so thought I might pop down to see you both if you are free and can get a room.

Let me know asap as I am away from thursday am 

I think I might have been in a 'funny' mood when I replied though:

Fab, although all that's left of London then will be a smoking ruin and boxes of unsold 2012 t-shirts on each street corner while urchins attempt to re-create the 100 meters by running between a bin filled with Olympics happy meal wrappers and a length of discarded police 'inner cordon' tape.

That aside, it should be fine! (^_^)

But my mum seemed not to notice anyway:

Great, I have booked. Arriving early afternoon friday and leave 5.30 train Sunday. Looking forward to seeing you LOL Mum x

She still doesn't use LOL right either.