Wars of pen and ink...

There is a quote attributed to Edward Counsel: "Wars of pen and ink often lead to wars of cannon and bayonets.". I can't help thinking this way about this new schlock TV programme The War on Britain's Roads. Calling something a 'war' when it is not a war cannot help in any way. Instead of using this rhetoric we all need to be looking after each other rather than 'fighting' an imaginary war!

To give an example, two things happened to me on my cycle to work this morning. Firstly I was signalling right to turn but as I started to move a vehicle dangerously passed me at speed, forcing me to move back across the road. At this time a vehicle that had been tail-gating me was attempting to force its way past me on the inside. Despite me indicating and riding safely I had one vehicle on one side forcing me out of the lane and a vehicle on the other side trying to force me the other way. I stopped and went up to the car whereupon the lady inside was shouting at me "You should be more careful!". I eventually had the chance to explain to her actually what was happening and how I had to avoid two drivers, her included, and she apologised and even blew me a kiss when she drove off. Instead of seeing me as a 'crazy cyclist all over the road', she realised that I was simply trying to cycle to work and doing the best I could do to avoid being hit by two vehicles!

Later, while going reasonably fast, my front tyre blew out. As my tyre was deflating fast, I signalled (it's in the Highway Code if you need to know the correct 'I am slowing down' signal) and brought my bicycle to a safe stop. But even before I could get off it I had a car blaring his horn, revving his engine and using his vehicle to intimidate me by getting far too close! He mimed to me that I was 'weaving' and so I explained I had a puncture! In the time it took me to get off the road a 4x4 behind him was blaring its horn too; both because they'd been slowed down for less than 20 seconds while I moved to the side of the road.

No...it's not a 'war' at all but calling it that means people can continue to de-humanise others and allow them to risk other people's lives on a daily basis. BBC commisioners and the production team a Leopard Films; you have added to the danger on the roads.

This 'war' which you confect could very well become real.