Responding to recent reports on the true cost of painting some bits of road blue, danger-sceptic Boris Johnson today admitted he needed to "...pull something bloody special out of the bag".
"Despite us creating these mega-highroad whatnots for cyclists, it's fair to say we dropped the ball a bit on this one" the mayor commented today. "I've been racking my brains for an idea for these brave cycling chaps - and whatever the female equivalent of chap is - and think we've cracked it". Estimates that currently suggest the Cycle Superhighways have cost between 2 and 4 million pounds per mile have prompted discussions at City Hall. Insiders report that Boris' nemesis Ken Livingstone was quoted to have said "F*ck me, I could have done it in Hammerite for a fraction of that!".
In an attempt to win back the public of London before the elections in May, Mr Johnson unveiled new plans for cycling infrastructure for London. "Given we've spent so much already I reckon we might as well go the whole hog" Mr Johnson explained.
Estimated to be built at a cost of £4 billion and expected to be finished in 2037, TfL today announced the 'Cloud Tunnel', a network of interlinking tubes attached to rooftops around the London area. "We clearly needed some new ideas" explained an engineer "so when I saw my son's hamster cage, the idea hit me!". Displaying some Photoshopped images of London rooftops linked with brightly-coloured plastic tubing, TfL's engineers described how cyclists would be able to use the network to travel around London at 'near rodent-speed'. "We haven't yet worked out how they'd decend to street-level" an engineer added "probably by some kind of fireman's pole or maybe something like those little wire ramps you get in hamster cages".
The mayor confirmed that the project will be funded entirely from public money. "The funny thing is" he added "whenever we've had any 100% privately-funded projects in the past, they've ended up costing tax-payers loads anyway, so we're not even keeping up the pretense anymore".
Shares in Pets at Home are reputedly soaring due to expectations that TfL will purchase their entire stock of hamster-cage tubing in the coming weeks.
Photos from Jess J and cobalt123 used under Creative Commons licensing.